Friday, February 12, 2010

Poll:- True or False - You cant help falling in love, my friend ?

I love you so much darling,I love you more than the stars in the universe.Poll:- True or False - You cant help falling in love, my friend ?


鈾?blondyPoll:- True or False - You cant help falling in love, my friend ?
Oh so agonizingly true.
You can run before it's too late.
Definitely can't help it :)

The heart takes over the mind. = ) xx Sugar bug
  • white hair
  • What is the love true or false?

    ';Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. ';

    I John 4:8-12 (from the New Testament of the Bible)What is the love true or false?
    If you mistake lust or other forms of confusion as love...then its false...but if u feel that love is not just what a boy feels towards a girl or a girl feels towards a boy but even the wagging of a dog's tail when it sees its master....YES its true. Depends on how good a judge you are.What is the love true or false?
    ';Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.';

    Jn 15:13

    ';This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.';

    1 Jn 3:16

    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.';

    1 Cor 13:4-8a

    Love is not a feeling or an emotion. No matter what, you can ';love'; a person but the next day hate being around them. True love requires discipline as well as choice. Love is a choice, and it is the decision to give yourself whole-heartily to another.

    Love is a commitment, it is a bond, it is truely sealed in a covenant much like marriage or God's relationship with man.

    Love is a choice.
    I'll take irrelevant questions to the forum's topic for eight hundred, Alex!!!
    In spirituality sense, love is false. Hate is also false. Keeping the Mind neutral is True.
    If it is not in cinema then it is true. Few love which arises after seeing the cinema are also not true.
    It is the most confusing question but the answer is ''KNOW YOURSELF''
    With man it is conditional
    True love died in his place if be needed,cry with you,smile with you and can't live without you.

    For the majority of the population; Love is just a need addiction and they call God by that name.

    Makes no sense to me.
    What is Love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me.No more.

    Whoa whoa whoa, oooh oooh

    Whoa whoa whoa, oooh oooh
    If you are doubtful about love,

    then it is false.
    Why, yes, I believe you're right there.
    love is unconditional, undying.
    it should be find out by u, then only u can find its meaning or u'll never
    love is putting others before yourself. Jesus said there is no greater love than a man lay down his life for his friends. and that is what Jesus did for us
    2 points!
    abe pagal...kya pooch raha hai.....
    Well it depends on who you are applying the question to, doesn't it now.
    Huh? :/
    its a true for me but it is false for who didn't like love
    there is no love..

    Why do some people actually believe love is something more than a false reality of hormones?

    because they hope for something bigger than themselvesWhy do some people actually believe love is something more than a false reality of hormones?
    It is, after 14 years with my man, we've had times when we havent been physical for months as well as months where we can't keep off each other, just enjoyed each others company, exchanged stories, supported each other and wound each other up. Thats far more than hormonesWhy do some people actually believe love is something more than a false reality of hormones?
    Because love is more than just a feeling or an emotion... it's something that you feeling with your entire and just their heart or brain so don't tell people it is an illusion when nobody is smart enough to define love for what it truly is
    Because of people like you. they do not want to feel emty in side and when someone fulls them they know it not just ';falst reality of hormones'; but something more alot more. larger than life more. You will get it one day.
    Because only humans experience love. Other animals have the same ';hormones and neurotransmitters'; and yet don't experience love.

    There is ';something'; beyond science and physical findings in human nature.

    A chimpanzee and a human are almost identical from a genetic and physical standpoint and yet so far away in mental capacity. A chimpanzee doesn't even know ';he'; is a chimpanzee. Again, there is something else in humans that cannot be explained physically.
    I do not know why people believe that ....but I like how you worded that ....'; a false reality of hormones...'; yeah, I like that.
    Have you fall in love? Only those in love will get to know the true meaning and feeling of love and at least in india it have a larger than life image.

    Is falling in love real or false-according skeptics-it has to be cientific, so what is scientifc about love.?

    or hate or worry or guilt, shame

    they are not real, or just stupid thing human invent, we should all be logical and think like spock on star trackIs falling in love real or false-according skeptics-it has to be cientific, so what is scientifc about love.?
    Love is not a feeling it is an act of your will.

    Takes many years to learn to love someone how can you love someone you do not know?

    The butterflies in the stomach attraction in the early stages is not love and these last from between 3 to 6 months and are gone.

    If you have a rapor with a person that is a good start.

    Along with friendship as it is a lot harder to walk away from a friend when the road get a little bumpy.

    Take care!Is falling in love real or false-according skeptics-it has to be cientific, so what is scientifc about love.?
    Such questions are not in the domain of things science claims to be able to discover. Love (and other emotion) is an experience that is not available to deep examination using empirical methods. At all.

    Even though I can be a strict materialist, I still would not say that love is either false or true, because in a materialist world view, the question is nonsense - it can't be asked about a private, personal experience. It'd be sort of like asking what evolution feels like.
    Consider the Middle Way/Path.

    Please read the following: the Middle Path view

    on Love vs. Attachment. Thank You.

    Love vs. Attachment

    What is the world is the difference between loving a person and being attached to them ?

    Love is the sincere wish for others to be happy, and to be free from suffering.

    Having realistically recognized others' kindness as well as their faults, love is always focused on the other persons welfare. We have No ulterior motives to fulfull our self-interest, or to fulfill our desires; to love others simply because they exist.

    Attachment, on the other hand, exaggertes others' good qualitities and makes us crave to be with them. When we're with them, we're happy, but when we're separated from them, we are often miserable. Attachment is linked with expectations of what others should be or do.

    Is love as it is usually understood in our society

    really love ? or attachment ? or even possibly for some, only lust.

    Let us examine this a bit more. Generally we are attracted to people either because they have qualities we value or because they help us in some way. If we observe our own thought processes mindfully, and carefully - we'll notice that we look for specific qualities in others.

    Some of these qualities we find attractive, others are those our parents, or society value.

    We examine someone's looks, body, education,

    financial situation, social status. This is how most of us decide on whether or not the person holds any true value to us.

    In addition, we judge people as worthwhile according to how they relate to us. If they help us, praise us, make us feel secure, listen to what we have to say, care for us when we are sick or depressed, we consider them good people, and it is this type of people we are most likely to be more attracted to.

    But this is very biased, for we judge them only in terms of how they relate to ';us';, as if we are the most important person in the world.

    After we've judged certain people to be good for us, whenever we see them it appears to us as if goodness is coming from them, but if we are more aware, we recognize that we have projected this goodness onto them.

    Desiring to be with the people alot who make us feel good, we become emotional yo-yo's -

    when we're with these people, we're Up, when we're not with these people, we're Down.

    Furthermore, we form fixed concepts of what our relationships with those people will be and thus have expectations of them. When they do not live up to our expectations of them, we're very disappointed, or may become angry !

    We want them to change so that they will they will match what we think they are. But our projections and expectations come from our own minds, not from the other people.

    Our problems arise not because others aren't

    who we thought they we're, but because we mistakenly thought they were something they


    Checklist: ';I Love You if __________ ';

    What we call love is most often attachment.

    It is actually a disturbing attitude that overestamates the qualities of another person.

    We then cling to tightly to that person, thinking our happiness depends on that person.

    ';Love, on the other hand, is an open and very calm, relaxed attitude. We want someone to be happy, and free from suffering simply because they exist. While attachment is uncontrolled and much too sentimental, Love is direct and powerful. Attachment obscures our judgment and we become impatient, angry, and impartial, helping only our dear one's and harming those who we don't like. Love builds up others, and clarifies our minds, and we

    access a situation by thinking of the greatest good for everyone. Attachment is based on

    selfishness, while Love is founded upon cherishing others, even those who do not look very appealing to the eyes. Love looks beyond

    all the superficial appearences, and dwells on the fact that they are just like us: they want inner peace, happiness, and want to avoid suffering. If we see unattractive, dirty, ignorant people, we feel repulsed because our selfish minds watn to know attractive, intellectual, clean, and talented people. Love, on the other hand, never evaluates others by these superficial standards and looks much deeper into the person. Love recognizes that regardless of the others' appearances, their experience is the same as ours: they seek inner peace, to be happy, to be free from sufferings, and to do their best to avoid problems.

    When we're attached, we're not mentally and emotionally free. We overly depend on and cling to another person to fulfill our mental and especially our emotional needs. We fear losing the person, feeling we'd be incomplete without him.

    This does not mean that we should suppress our emotional needs or become aloof, alone and totally independent, for that too does not solve the problem. We must simply realize our unrealistic needs, and slowly seek to eliminate them. Some emotional needs may be so strong that they can't be dissolved immediately.

    If we try to suppress them or pretend they do not exist, we become anxious, insecure, falling into a depression. In this case, we can do our best to fulfill our needs while simultaneously working gradually to subdue them.

    ';The core problem is we seek to be loved, rather than to love. We yearn to be understood by others rather than to understand them. In all honesty, our sense of emotional insecurities comes from the selfishness obscuring our own

    minds. 'We can develop self-confidence by recognizing our inner potential to become a selfless human being with many, many magnificient qualities, then we'll develop a true and accurate feeling of self-confidence. And

    then we'll seek to increase true love, without attachments, to increase compassion, to cultivate patience and understanding, as well as generousity, concentration and wisdom.'

    'Under the influence of attachment we're bound by our emotional reactions to others. When they are nice to us, we're happy. When they ignore us, or speak sharply to us, we take it personally and are unhappy. But pasifying attachment doesn't mean we become hard-hearted. Rather, without attachment there will be space in our hearts and minds for genuine Affection and Impartial Love for them.

    We'll be actively involved with them.

    If we learn to subdue our attachments, we can most definately have successful friendships and personal relationships with others !! These relationships will be richer because of the freedom and respect - the relationships will be based on. We'll care about the happiness and the misery of all human beings equally, simply because everyone is the same in wanting and needing inner peace, happiness, and not wanting to suffer. However, our lifestyles and interests may be more compatible with those of some people more so than with others, and that is alright. In any case, our relationships will be based on mutual Love, mutual interests, and the wish to help each other in life.
    love is scientific when you look at the chemicals involved in what makes you feel that way about a person.
    I watched a documentary about this. scientists placed electrodes on the heads of thier subjects and showed them pictures of people. when the pictures of thier partners came up, parts of the brain became active which usually in normal circumstances (when not near thier loved partener) are not active. so now they say that they can scientifically prove if your partner is in love with you. if those parts of the brain don't fire, then he/she is lying. i wonder how long it will take to make this test available to the public. god knows i'd like to test that out!
    none in this world know true love but the universal beauty and I. I've seen truth, and am in the way to reach it.
    emotions are what make us human. They are a higher thought process, and I know for a fact that true love is not false. It's out there, and even though finding it can be a S.O.B. it's worth it in the end. We shouldn't let our emotions have complete control of our lives, but we shouldn't just disregard them either. A balance of emotion and logic is needed to be... well... I guess sane.

    True or false: All is fair in love and war?

    All is fair in love and war.

    True or false?True or false: All is fair in love and war?
    so truee.True or false: All is fair in love and war?
    Lol. im glad :D

    Report Abuse

    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

    Love never fails....And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

    1 Corinthians 13:1-8a and 13
    Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

    Love never fails....And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love, i sometimes dont always argree with that saying at all, cause it go either way..
    no...not everything is fair in love and war.

    in love

    trust is fair

    jealousy is fair

    betrayal is unfair

    forcin sm1 to love you is unfair





    All is unfair in love and war.
    true because love can also be war and vice versa life canbe unfare but if done right great things happen
    False, unless you don't mind everyone completely losing trust in you.
    its true but sometimes false
    It's false..
    true yet false

    When did peace, love and tolerance of others become a false doctrine?

    According to some, the message of peace brought by Christ is a false doctrine. Isn't it ironic that these same people say they revere the teachings of Christ and more than that worship him?When did peace, love and tolerance of others become a false doctrine?
    Very ironic and they are very wrong. This world is so full of hardened hearts. The words, the teachings, mean nothing if not put to work and lived.

    Pax Et Bonum,

    DebraWhen did peace, love and tolerance of others become a false doctrine?

    Probably around the time that Muslims started blowing people up.
    It becomes a ';False Doctrine'; when used to condem others.

    From what I have seen the majority of the ';followers'; convieniently forget three interesting Biblical points that Christ is purported to have said... Let he who is without Sin be the first to cast the stone, all have Sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.

    In other words, don't judge, everyone is guilty of the same problem, and don't force your belief on others who do not want to hear it.
    they've been that way since their creation. i'm sorry to say it but there can never be peace love and tolerance with people because they are always jealous, envious and afraid of what they do not know. everyone is a racist, the aim is to control those feelings and just get on with your life

    and an add-up:

    i am a christian myself and would like to remind people that before muslims started blowing up buildings there were those romanticized folks called the crusaders that did nothing else but to pillage rape and kill, so dont blame islam for what the fanatics do
    Yep! You are absolutely correct. The bible says we know them by their fruits they bare.

    A Tree Is Known by Its Fruit

    Lk. 6.43, 44

    15 ¶ Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

    16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

    17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

    18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

    19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Mt. 3.10 · Lk. 3.9

    20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Mt. 12.33

    I Never Knew You

    Lk. 13.25-27

    21 ¶ Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

    22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

    23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
    I prefer to worship Him.

    He was perfect, not me.

    I needed Him, because I wasn't perfect.

    If I was perfect I wouldn't need Him.

    If any one tries to follow the teachings of Jesus exactly, you will be miserable.

    You can not be perfect. He was perfect, not you.
    When the Republicans took power
    I'm living proof that you don't have to believe in Jesus to believe in peace, love and tolerance. Well, tolerance at least...

    There's a lot of other things about Jesus that I find false, but his morals are fine by me. And FYI, he's not the only man in history to ever preach about compassion and tolerance. Take away the ';Son of God'; title, how is he any different from Buddha? Or from Baha'ullah?
    After independence from world war two.

    When living human kind blindly kick the butts of our creator and threw our creator out into '; The street of London'; on planet earth.

    Try and decode the lyrics of this song '; The street of London ';.

    When living human kind wanted to be the Boss on planet earth.

    That is what self independence is all about on planet earth.

    Every year we celebrate the mess living human kind had created for themselves on planet earth.

    Try and decode the lyrics of this song '; It's a mad, mad world'; out there on planet earth.

    When living human kind with self lack of knowledge on the existence of our creator on planet earth.

    But keep on telling planet earth on the greatness of our creator on planet earth.

    Without even finding out ';Who are we'; on planet earth.
    Christ did teach us care for our neighbors. The problem is that the Bible teaches us that sin is wrong also.

    So there is a conflict. We are not to embrace sin as a lifestyle and we are also to show neighbors that we care for them.

    We are not to show love and tolerance and neglect the teachings of the Bible.

    We are also not to follow the teachings of the Bible and not show love to our neighbor.

    This is difficult. Some Christians err on the side of love so much that they tolerate sin. Other Christians follow the Bible so rigidly that they neglect their neighbor by not showing love.

    We are to preach Jesus, tell people of their sin, and show love.

    Most of the time though, as soon as people hear that they are sinners...they think we are not showing love.

    It is hard to convince people that talking about sin IS loving. It is caring. People like their sin and don't want to hear that it is wrong. They don't like being confronted.

    They often want their sin and God...but they really can't. They have to choose. If they want God, then they will have to change. Most don't want to change...they just want God to bless them while they are doing exactly what he said not to do.

    God doesn't bless that... sorry.
    Peace and Love were taught by Jesus, and hold true today as do all His teachings.

    Tolerance was not one of them. DO you think Jesus, or God for that matter was ever tolerant of sin, I think not. Was Jesus tolerant when He through the money changers out of the temple, or called the Pharisees white washed tombs, hypocrites, a brood of vipers???? Tolerance is something the world has tried to shove down our throats to make themselves feel better, because sin would no longer be sin. We are never to tolerate sin in any case, for any reason, ALL sin is punishable by death, and without the shed blood of Jesus we are all bound for Hell.
    Peace that Jesus talked about in the Bible is never peace with evil, it is peace with God so if you are thinking that we Christian ought to accept things that the Bible says are evil, it won't happen. Jesus never taught tolerance, that is a worlly teaching. Jesus taught us to come out and separated ourselves (holiness). 14 Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? 15 Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? 16 Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; just as God said, ';I WILL DWELL IN THEM AND WALK AMONG THEM; AND I WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE. 17 ';Therefore, COME OUT FROM THEIR MIDST AND BE SEPARATE,'; says the Lord. ';AND DO NOT TOUCH WHAT IS UNCLEAN; And I will welcome you. 18 ';And I will be a father to you, And you shall be sons and daughters to Me,'; Says the Lord Almighty.

    Jesus also taught that ';Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness but rejoices in the truth.

    Christ was always intolerant of evil and that has not changed.
    Is it ironic how you dreamed up love and peace with agape love for all mankind?

    Agape love is from Christians too Christians. Christians are not Muslim brother.

    does the Holy Bible have to draw you a picture.?

    What do you think separates Christians from others? duh

    YOU. preach a false doctrine. The Word of God, is very real and very clear.

    YOUR False doctrine comes from.

    opposite of Eph:.

    One Doctrine, One Body, One Spirit, One Faith, One Baptism, One Church, One Truth.

    Islam and Christians are 180 diametrically opposed. You preach we are brothers? hahaha

    Read the Bible my friend. You are very misled and misleading others.


    When the religion of Islam was founded.
    That is a good question, one I needed to read. I was reading Darfur and building up hate.. Said drop a nuclear bomb on those people. That really wasn't a christian teaching.

    Thank you
    Do unto others as you would have them do to you ! When He said this we didn't have a group that would rather kill you as look at you .
    Depends on exactly what you're referring to as ';the message of Peace';. Think of it more like a true martial arts master. You never fight unless the need is dire and truth and justice are at stake. Remember, it was Jesus who beat the living daylights out of the money changers in the Temple and quite literally whipped them and tossed them out. Too often people confuse Christ's messages for Pacifism, which is really just a diversion used to keep the real fight from being brought to evil's doorstep, simply because ';It's not PC';.
    there is an Arabic proverb that says:

    if you made good to some one generous you will own him, and if you made the same good for the mean, he will rebel against you!!

    i think this might answer your question
    This is a main problem of the ';Christian'; faith.

    Good insight.

    Jesus wants peace, joy, and love.

    Why can't we see that?

    I don not know.

    This is the essential problem I face with the loose term, ';christain.';

    Too many hyppocrites.

    If all Christians as they call themselves, did love one another and all others, well, there would ba way more joy and peace.

    This is duty.

    The call of the collective conscious called God the father.

    The law.

    Spread love.

    Love is the opposite of hate.

    Very simple.

    Jesus told again and again of parables, stories, examples.

    He led a, ';perfect'; life inorder for us to see.

    This is the paradox of life.

    Good for you for figuring it out and asking it in the form of a question.

    The answer is it shouldn't be.

    Peace, love, and tolerance should not be a false doctrine.

    I leave you my peace, joy, and love.

    The greatest....

    Ah, but there is a bit more to it than that.

    ';My kingdom is not of this world.'; Maybe the most misused quote to get around what you should do according to Christ.

    There is no doctrine according to Jesus. Churches make doctrines and alter them when society demands it.

    YOU got to live and feel by his teachings. Never mind the others, just love them as you would yourself. That's 'all'.
    When the Satanic verses came into play,';Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends.'; (Surah 5:51).
    Its not the teachings of Christ I think that bothers people its the Hypocrits trying to teach it to you or shove it down our throat! You cant preac or teach a message of peace, Love, and tolerance and not practice those things by putting down homosexuals amongst other people!
    Tollerance is acceptance of the very sins that this world is committing. We are not to tollerate sin, but share the word of God with others and shine His light upon the sinner so they can see what they may be doing is a sin. We cannot expect God to adjust His word to our sinful ways here on earth, but we are to conform our ways to God's word. Tollerance is allowing our spiritual eyes to get adjusted to the sinful darkness of this world.

    God does not look upon sin and the sinner let alone tollerate them.
    LET'S GET IT RIGHT!...Jesus said, as quoted in Matthew10:34, 35 (NAS) - ';Do not think that came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father...(v 38) he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.'; Jesus drew a line in the sand...believe in and follow Him and you would be reconciled and have peace with God the Father (saved) and have access to eternal life in heaven; Love your family, friends and yourself more (your choice) and no peace with God. The ';sword'; would be the choice that would divide the two groups. The peace referenced is not world peace but personal peace. Jesus (God the Son) created and loves all things...He even went to the cross to pay the price for our sins...';greater love has no man than that he give up his life for his brother...';. He was tolerant of and loved the sinner but not of the sin. He taught us to forgive others... But did not teach us not to defend ourselves or that actions don't have consequences...Ecclesiastes 3:8 - there is ';a time for war and a time for peace.'; Make peace with God while you the old German saying goes...';you're a long time dead';...and I'm certain you wouldn't want your soul and spirit to spend that eternity in ';the lake of fire.'; Peace, love and tolerance is not a false just has to be put into the correct context.
    when people inhabited the earth. it's the way things are. people aren't perfect. peace, love and tolerance of others would be a perfect situation. have you ever seen a perfect situation? why do you think christians can make the world a utopia? read Matthew 10:34-36. It's not all about peace.
    its always been false, everyone thinks of self first, thats natural. we are animals. its just nature.
    Yeah, and the people who crucified Jesus had prophets that told them that God desired mercy, not sacrifice

    there is a reason why every person in history that has struggled for peace has been killed - most of the world WANTS violence, they want to hate and kill
    That is so true.....I believe that humans have this innate desire to worship something, and throughout this 6,000 year period, God has just been trying to get someone to listen and do....

    An interesting example of this is when Peter, James and John witnessed Christ on the mount of transfiguration, and Peter wanted to built an alter to Moses, Jesus and Elijah....God's reply was, ';This is my son....HEAR HIM.';
    God doesn't exist.

    When did peace, love and tolerance of others become a false doctrine?

    According to some, the message of peace brought by Christ is a false doctrine. Isn't it ironic that these same people say they revere the teachings of Christ and more than that worship him?When did peace, love and tolerance of others become a false doctrine?
    Very ironic and they are very wrong. This world is so full of hardened hearts. The words, the teachings, mean nothing if not put to work and lived.

    Pax Et Bonum,

    DebraWhen did peace, love and tolerance of others become a false doctrine?

    Probably around the time that Muslims started blowing people up.
    It becomes a ';False Doctrine'; when used to condem others.

    From what I have seen the majority of the ';followers'; convieniently forget three interesting Biblical points that Christ is purported to have said... Let he who is without Sin be the first to cast the stone, all have Sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.

    In other words, don't judge, everyone is guilty of the same problem, and don't force your belief on others who do not want to hear it.
    they've been that way since their creation. i'm sorry to say it but there can never be peace love and tolerance with people because they are always jealous, envious and afraid of what they do not know. everyone is a racist, the aim is to control those feelings and just get on with your life

    and an add-up:

    i am a christian myself and would like to remind people that before muslims started blowing up buildings there were those romanticized folks called the crusaders that did nothing else but to pillage rape and kill, so dont blame islam for what the fanatics do
    Yep! You are absolutely correct. The bible says we know them by their fruits they bare.

    A Tree Is Known by Its Fruit

    Lk. 6.43, 44

    15 ¶ Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

    16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

    17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

    18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

    19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Mt. 3.10 · Lk. 3.9

    20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Mt. 12.33

    I Never Knew You

    Lk. 13.25-27

    21 ¶ Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

    22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

    23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
    I prefer to worship Him.

    He was perfect, not me.

    I needed Him, because I wasn't perfect.

    If I was perfect I wouldn't need Him.

    If any one tries to follow the teachings of Jesus exactly, you will be miserable.

    You can not be perfect. He was perfect, not you.
    When the Republicans took power
    I'm living proof that you don't have to believe in Jesus to believe in peace, love and tolerance. Well, tolerance at least...

    There's a lot of other things about Jesus that I find false, but his morals are fine by me. And FYI, he's not the only man in history to ever preach about compassion and tolerance. Take away the ';Son of God'; title, how is he any different from Buddha? Or from Baha'ullah?
    After independence from world war two.

    When living human kind blindly kick the butts of our creator and threw our creator out into '; The street of London'; on planet earth.

    Try and decode the lyrics of this song '; The street of London ';.

    When living human kind wanted to be the Boss on planet earth.

    That is what self independence is all about on planet earth.

    Every year we celebrate the mess living human kind had created for themselves on planet earth.

    Try and decode the lyrics of this song '; It's a mad, mad world'; out there on planet earth.

    When living human kind with self lack of knowledge on the existence of our creator on planet earth.

    But keep on telling planet earth on the greatness of our creator on planet earth.

    Without even finding out ';Who are we'; on planet earth.
    Christ did teach us care for our neighbors. The problem is that the Bible teaches us that sin is wrong also.

    So there is a conflict. We are not to embrace sin as a lifestyle and we are also to show neighbors that we care for them.

    We are not to show love and tolerance and neglect the teachings of the Bible.

    We are also not to follow the teachings of the Bible and not show love to our neighbor.

    This is difficult. Some Christians err on the side of love so much that they tolerate sin. Other Christians follow the Bible so rigidly that they neglect their neighbor by not showing love.

    We are to preach Jesus, tell people of their sin, and show love.

    Most of the time though, as soon as people hear that they are sinners...they think we are not showing love.

    It is hard to convince people that talking about sin IS loving. It is caring. People like their sin and don't want to hear that it is wrong. They don't like being confronted.

    They often want their sin and God...but they really can't. They have to choose. If they want God, then they will have to change. Most don't want to change...they just want God to bless them while they are doing exactly what he said not to do.

    God doesn't bless that... sorry.
    Peace and Love were taught by Jesus, and hold true today as do all His teachings.

    Tolerance was not one of them. DO you think Jesus, or God for that matter was ever tolerant of sin, I think not. Was Jesus tolerant when He through the money changers out of the temple, or called the Pharisees white washed tombs, hypocrites, a brood of vipers???? Tolerance is something the world has tried to shove down our throats to make themselves feel better, because sin would no longer be sin. We are never to tolerate sin in any case, for any reason, ALL sin is punishable by death, and without the shed blood of Jesus we are all bound for Hell.
    Peace that Jesus talked about in the Bible is never peace with evil, it is peace with God so if you are thinking that we Christian ought to accept things that the Bible says are evil, it won't happen. Jesus never taught tolerance, that is a worlly teaching. Jesus taught us to come out and separated ourselves (holiness). 14 Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? 15 Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? 16 Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; just as God said, ';I WILL DWELL IN THEM AND WALK AMONG THEM; AND I WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE. 17 ';Therefore, COME OUT FROM THEIR MIDST AND BE SEPARATE,'; says the Lord. ';AND DO NOT TOUCH WHAT IS UNCLEAN; And I will welcome you. 18 ';And I will be a father to you, And you shall be sons and daughters to Me,'; Says the Lord Almighty.

    Jesus also taught that ';Love does not rejoice in unrighteousness but rejoices in the truth.

    Christ was always intolerant of evil and that has not changed.
    Is it ironic how you dreamed up love and peace with agape love for all mankind?

    Agape love is from Christians too Christians. Christians are not Muslim brother.

    does the Holy Bible have to draw you a picture.?

    What do you think separates Christians from others? duh

    YOU. preach a false doctrine. The Word of God, is very real and very clear.

    YOUR False doctrine comes from.

    opposite of Eph:.

    One Doctrine, One Body, One Spirit, One Faith, One Baptism, One Church, One Truth.

    Islam and Christians are 180 diametrically opposed. You preach we are brothers? hahaha

    Read the Bible my friend. You are very misled and misleading others.


    When the religion of Islam was founded.
    That is a good question, one I needed to read. I was reading Darfur and building up hate.. Said drop a nuclear bomb on those people. That really wasn't a christian teaching.

    Thank you
    Do unto others as you would have them do to you ! When He said this we didn't have a group that would rather kill you as look at you .
    Depends on exactly what you're referring to as ';the message of Peace';. Think of it more like a true martial arts master. You never fight unless the need is dire and truth and justice are at stake. Remember, it was Jesus who beat the living daylights out of the money changers in the Temple and quite literally whipped them and tossed them out. Too often people confuse Christ's messages for Pacifism, which is really just a diversion used to keep the real fight from being brought to evil's doorstep, simply because ';It's not PC';.
    there is an Arabic proverb that says:

    if you made good to some one generous you will own him, and if you made the same good for the mean, he will rebel against you!!

    i think this might answer your question
    This is a main problem of the ';Christian'; faith.

    Good insight.

    Jesus wants peace, joy, and love.

    Why can't we see that?

    I don not know.

    This is the essential problem I face with the loose term, ';christain.';

    Too many hyppocrites.

    If all Christians as they call themselves, did love one another and all others, well, there would ba way more joy and peace.

    This is duty.

    The call of the collective conscious called God the father.

    The law.

    Spread love.

    Love is the opposite of hate.

    Very simple.

    Jesus told again and again of parables, stories, examples.

    He led a, ';perfect'; life inorder for us to see.

    This is the paradox of life.

    Good for you for figuring it out and asking it in the form of a question.

    The answer is it shouldn't be.

    Peace, love, and tolerance should not be a false doctrine.

    I leave you my peace, joy, and love.

    The greatest....

    Ah, but there is a bit more to it than that.

    ';My kingdom is not of this world.'; Maybe the most misused quote to get around what you should do according to Christ.

    There is no doctrine according to Jesus. Churches make doctrines and alter them when society demands it.

    YOU got to live and feel by his teachings. Never mind the others, just love them as you would yourself. That's 'all'.
    When the Satanic verses came into play,';Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends.'; (Surah 5:51).
    Its not the teachings of Christ I think that bothers people its the Hypocrits trying to teach it to you or shove it down our throat! You cant preac or teach a message of peace, Love, and tolerance and not practice those things by putting down homosexuals amongst other people!
    Tollerance is acceptance of the very sins that this world is committing. We are not to tollerate sin, but share the word of God with others and shine His light upon the sinner so they can see what they may be doing is a sin. We cannot expect God to adjust His word to our sinful ways here on earth, but we are to conform our ways to God's word. Tollerance is allowing our spiritual eyes to get adjusted to the sinful darkness of this world.

    God does not look upon sin and the sinner let alone tollerate them.
    LET'S GET IT RIGHT!...Jesus said, as quoted in Matthew10:34, 35 (NAS) - ';Do not think that came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father...(v 38) he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.'; Jesus drew a line in the sand...believe in and follow Him and you would be reconciled and have peace with God the Father (saved) and have access to eternal life in heaven; Love your family, friends and yourself more (your choice) and no peace with God. The ';sword'; would be the choice that would divide the two groups. The peace referenced is not world peace but personal peace. Jesus (God the Son) created and loves all things...He even went to the cross to pay the price for our sins...';greater love has no man than that he give up his life for his brother...';. He was tolerant of and loved the sinner but not of the sin. He taught us to forgive others... But did not teach us not to defend ourselves or that actions don't have consequences...Ecclesiastes 3:8 - there is ';a time for war and a time for peace.'; Make peace with God while you the old German saying goes...';you're a long time dead';...and I'm certain you wouldn't want your soul and spirit to spend that eternity in ';the lake of fire.'; Peace, love and tolerance is not a false just has to be put into the correct context.
    when people inhabited the earth. it's the way things are. people aren't perfect. peace, love and tolerance of others would be a perfect situation. have you ever seen a perfect situation? why do you think christians can make the world a utopia? read Matthew 10:34-36. It's not all about peace.
    its always been false, everyone thinks of self first, thats natural. we are animals. its just nature.
    Yeah, and the people who crucified Jesus had prophets that told them that God desired mercy, not sacrifice

    there is a reason why every person in history that has struggled for peace has been killed - most of the world WANTS violence, they want to hate and kill
    That is so true.....I believe that humans have this innate desire to worship something, and throughout this 6,000 year period, God has just been trying to get someone to listen and do....

    An interesting example of this is when Peter, James and John witnessed Christ on the mount of transfiguration, and Peter wanted to built an alter to Moses, Jesus and Elijah....God's reply was, ';This is my son....HEAR HIM.';
    God doesn't exist.
  • white hair