Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ex-lovers who are friends were either never in love to begin with, or still are. True or false and why?

it just means that on some level they are your equal and because of this you will always have a special kind of love for this person. People tend to forget that there are many different levels of love but each one is special Ex-lovers who are friends were either never in love to begin with, or still are. True or false and why?
False. I am friends with most of the guys I used to date. It has to do with whether you can fight fairly and treat each other decently and with some respect. The few exes I am not friends with are situations where either (1) the guy was a nice guy but didn't really love me for myself but only thought I would be ';suitable'; as marriage material so he really has no use for me as a friend, which is his problem not mine; or (2) there were too many unfair fights and outrageous insults. If someone's idea of ';friendship'; is that I put up with him acting horribly I won't do it. If someone truly treats me like a friend then I'm happy to be friends with him after we break up. Ex-lovers who are friends were either never in love to begin with, or still are. True or false and why?

I am still friends with my first love. We have a child together so have had to keep in contact. His girlfriend seems to be insecure when it comes to him and I. But I assure you that you can be friends w/ an ex-lover and not like them. I look at him now and wonder how I ever loved him or was with's weird to me that I used to be attracted to him and want to be around him.

But I was once deeply in love w/ it is possible.

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