Sunday, February 7, 2010

How do you know that a girl or boy in love? how do they exporess the love? perhaps it may be false love?

How to recognize whether it is true love or not?How do you know that a girl or boy in love? how do they exporess the love? perhaps it may be false love?
True love lasts despite anything whatever whereas false vanishes by slightest jerk.How do you know that a girl or boy in love? how do they exporess the love? perhaps it may be false love?
look in the eyes of the person u r in love with. If he or she is in love with u they will look back. if they r deceiving u they won't look u in the eyes. plus it is very obvious to know if a girl or a boy is in love. They really care so much for their appearances. they use perfumes to smell better. they start talking about the future instead of talking about the past. they tell u every single detail of what had happened during their day at work or at collage. They want u to meet his or her friends. to introduce u to all of their family members. it is very easy to know that this person is in love with u or not:) wish u the best, and when love comes knocking on your door u will know if it is real or fake love:)
Life is beautiful when you are in love, food tastes wonderful, sky looks beautiful, one feels like he can understand the language of birds and animals, can talk to trees, hug them, mountains valleys, trees look so beautiful that you can imagine

sun shines beautifully everything is simply great and amazing around and one sees their loved one in everybody every face that sometimes bothers you and make others feel that one has gone mad
Well each person expresses love in his or her own way. For example, when a person is in love they might want to be constantly telling the other person how he/she feels. Or when a person is in love they might want to be constantly giving and doing things for the other person. You know it is true love though when the person thinks and wants to put the other before them. You can recognize false love when what the person says and what their actions are contradict each other. For example it could be false if the person is constantly saying that he loves a girl but then he never does anything for her and only thinks about himself. In that situation I would say that is a false love. Ok I hope that helps a little!

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