Sunday, February 7, 2010

True or false: Love hurts?

It does, but its worth it.True or false: Love hurts?
Infatuation hurts....yes

Crushes hurt.....yes

But I don't believe true love hurts

because anyone who trulys loves you wouldnt

treat you like dirt and leave youTrue or false: Love hurts?
Very true . But it seems like a great ab workout.
Sometimes, if it's done right ;-)
No doubt about it love sure definitely hurts, especially if you're so devoted to that special someone in that long-lasting relationship.
True...Very true! But getting hurt in relationships just make you stronger for the next relationship! Trust me speaking from experience, at first you don't even want to look at the opposite sex but all the experience you had in a bad relationship will make you stronger and better able to deal with your next relationship!
TRUE, and especially if it is only done from one side. I mean, if you will love a person and will not be able to have this person as a real lover, it does hurt. If you will love a person and this person will not exchange this love with you or will elude from your love, it does hurt. Love really hurts.
Love hurts is false. People let the hurt, hurt themselves. Love is kind, gentle, caring, etc.
It does hurt sometimes, but that's the thing about make it through the hard times and it makes the love stronger.
**** never hurts...being unloved hurts...but to love and lost, the loving weighs out more than the no
Love doesn't. Love is amazing. Losing it hurts. Not being loved back hurts. But love outweighs any pain of losing it.
Good morning...'Yes' it's true, love can hurt and sometimes it also 'stinks'! Have a good day! heals too, but you can compount hurt if you are not careful. Take your time. Men will tell you whatever you want to hear to get into bed with you. The moments of truth are how your treated after sex. Take Care.-Rachel.
True love never hurts!!
Yes it does hurt! Its hurts when ur so happy and it hurts when ur so sad. It goes both ways. Like when people cry, sometimes its cuz their hurt but sometimes its tears of joy. It works both ways...
True... Very true.... Ask me. There's this paradox that if you love until it hurts there can be no more hurt only more love. True so very true...
Love hurts on all levels.

True Love will never hurt you..

it hurts when we care for the wrong person

Love feels good. The break up hurts.
If it doesn't have the capability of hurting you, then it's either not real love, or you're not open to it.

Fortunately, if you can find a love that has the possibility of crushing you, most times that love is returned and they would never use that power.
definitley true, if he/she breaks up with you or totally disrespects you

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