Monday, February 8, 2010

What if love is just a false sense of security?

I just wonder. Expessally, as a teenager. I mean, saying I love you, usally means you want to be with them forever, right?

I don't know.What if love is just a false sense of security?
Then enjoy your false sense of security.What if love is just a false sense of security?
No, it doesn't. There's more to love than just saying it, and more to love than just sex, and often - particularly from a man's point of view - saying it is just a means to that end.

When you want to be with someone forever, you need to know whether they feel the same way. That comes with time, and, sadly, experience. Wisdom in these matters is made up of loads of experiences, some of which will be bad, and some of which will be good. There's a lot of truth to the saying you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince - or a princess!

Don't rush things. If you're still in your teens, you have plenty of time ahead of you before you need to think about 'forever'.

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