Friday, February 12, 2010

TRUE or FALSE : Those with high self esteem/confidence fall in love slower than those without it?

Think about it.TRUE or FALSE : Those with high self esteem/confidence fall in love slower than those without it?
id say true, you have a bunch of low self esteem'd people running around with inferiority complexes, they finally find a person that likes them and they fall in love, hardcore, because they finally have validation perhaps.TRUE or FALSE : Those with high self esteem/confidence fall in love slower than those without it?
i think they are less ';needy'; and know what they need in a relationship and aren't as easilly ';fooled'; into THINKING they are in love. if they're truly confident, they are VERY self aware,

so yes i'd agree with you
Neither true nor false, but irrelevant. The two topics have nothing to do with each other, except for the fact that both are personal choices the individual makes and can unmake.
TRUE! they don't rely on external sources of acceptance and love, they are more comfortable being alone with themselves instead of searching for some outside ';fix'; for their feelings of unworthiness and lonliness.
Of course, insecure people try to find validation through a relationship while secure individuals love themselves enough to know that you can't make someone else your idol and be happy. it is common sense.
True to a degree.

Love is love , they will wait for true love. Those with less self esteem will allow themselves to fall more readily.


I have horrible self esteem because I look like a monster, but I have no problem falling in love with women.
I would say false. I think that people with low self-esteem often confuse neediness with love.
really... i never heard of that before. i just like to talk $hit. that doesn't make me have high self esteem or confidence does it.
Hell no man! Completely oppositte! Hello!? Guys with CONFIDENCE get women more!
depends on who their falling in love with

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